Learning Outcomes: Define the fundamental theories of public sector management.

Learning Outcomes:
Define the fundamental theories of public sector management.
Describe the simple and complex issues pertaining to public management.

Assignment Question(s):
1. “Managing Human Resources is critical in changing the role of the State and public sector policies”. In light of this discuss the role of human resource management for effective public administration.(5 Marks).
Important: It is mandatory to include at least two scholarly journal articles in your answer.

2. “Human resource skill is considered a vital factor for smooth organization change and managing organizational transformation” In the present technological age, discuss the important constraint in the process of upgradation of Human Resources in the organization. Also, discuss how to develop technological skills to address the business issues. (Give an example of the organization you are aware of).(5 Marks).
Important: You are required to present at least three scholarly journals to support your answers.



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