Learning Objectives: –build on the self-directed learning activity in Units 1 a

Learning Objectives: –build on the self-directed learning activity in Units 1 and 2 of exploring your own cultural identities and intersectionalities, in this collaborative activity with one or two of your peers; –co-explore personal cultural identities and intersectionalities; –identify cultural competencies and areas for improvement; and –identify how to bring those competencies to future practice. Purpose: –The purpose of this assignment is to assist students exploring cultural identities and intersectionalities in relation to the development of cultural humility and cultural competencies in counselling practices. Assignment Overview, Preparing for the Conversation, and Instructions: –In the Self-directed Learning Activity in Units 1 and 2, you considered your own cultural identities, social locations, and intersectionalities. Drawing on those reflections, you will have a conversation with one or two peers in your section. You may only do this assignment with one or two peers in your section and no one outside of your section. –Please go into these conversations openly, with a stance of cultural humility and curiosity while remembering that your conversation partner is the expert on themselves and their cultural identities. –You will be cultural sources for each other as well as cultural co-learners. Make space for all cultural considerations including class, ability, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, sexual orientations, Inidigeneity, age, religion/spirituality/non-affiliation, and any other identities that you would consider as cultural descriptions. **Please see attached documents to give you an idea of my responses versus my partner’s (Marisa)** **I HAVE ALSO ATTACHED THE INSTRUCTIONS SHEET WITH HEADINGS FOR PAPER** If you have any questions, let me know!

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