Journal 2 Overview In the Module, we have been looking at the connection between

Journal 2
In the Module, we have been looking at the connection between reading and writing. For this assignment, we are going to apply that connection. We are testing the hypothesis that reading gives us something about which to write. The Journal is going to be a practice run for your first Reading Response, which is due next Sunday (Sep. 24th). Writing a brief practice response should give you the chance to figure out what you do and do not understand before submitting that assignment.
In this module, we also learned, or reviewed, that argument is everywhere and that we read to inform our ideas. Yes, we have opinions and thoughts of our own, but when we read others’ ideas, our thoughts might modify slightly, or extensively, as we see a new perspective. Conversely, the information we read might simply reinforce what we already believed. In either case, we read these ideas and perspectives to enhance our writing and our credibility.
“Class Journals.” BBC, 2020.Instructions:
To begin this assignment, compose your Journal 2 answering the following prompt:
Ray Altman, in the essay, “What You Need to Know about A.I.Links to an external site.” offers the readers an overview of current and potential future artificial intelligence applications. As the title denotes, Altman shares some basic background information but does not necessarily offer an opinion on said applications. Based on that somewhat vague summary (I deliberately made it vague so that you would have to read it!), I have a question that I would like you to answer:
What do you think? Based on Altman’s and your own ideas, is A.I. going to improve our lives, or is it going to lead to disastrous consequences? Be specific in your answer and offer personal examples.
In the Journal, give the author’s full name and “Essay Title.”
Write your answer in a short paragraph (100-200 words).
You may submit/upload this assignment as a .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .txt file.
When you have composed your Journal, name and save your document, then upload the file by selecting “Submit Assignment.”
Please see the grading rubric for this assignment below. If accessing this course by using the Canvas Student App, you will not see the icon. Instead, please use the menu to locate the rubric.
The associated rubric will be used to provide feedback–please be sure to review the rubric before starting and before submitting your assignment.
*Googlesites photoRubric
Journal Rubric (9)
Journal Rubric (9)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion
5 to >4.0 ptsMeets Expectations
Response is 100+ words and addresses prompt.
4 to >2.0 ptsAlmost There
The response is fewer than 100 words, but addresses the prompt.
2 to >0 ptsNeeds Improvement
The response is fewer than 100 words (including non submission) and/or does not address the prompt.
5 pts
Total Points: 5

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