Instructions The second written assignment will relate to the constitutionality

The second written assignment will relate to the constitutionality of banning or restricting the ownership of assault weapons. According to a now expired federal statute an assault weapon is “In general, assault weapons are semiautomatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use.”.
Please write a seven page paper on whether the Second Amendment prohibits the federal or state government from enacting such a law. You should use a minimum of 7 sources to discuss the constitutionality of such a law. Please discuss reasons for an against such a law and why it does or does not violate the Second Amendment.. Your sources should include Supreme Court cases, academic journals, law reviews, and other sources that discuss the issue in depth. See the below article as an example. The case mentioned is being argued in the Supreme Court tomorrow.
link for the example

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