Instructions Functions of Legal Health Record Course Objective for Assignment:

Functions of Legal Health Record
Course Objective for Assignment:
Examine the implications of ethical, legal, and regulatory policy issues on health care information systems
Using what you have learned about the legal health record and the EHR this week, write a 2 – 3-page paper that addresses the following functions of the EHR:
Health information management- What health information management functions EHR performs in medical offices or healthcare organizations?
Medical errors. How EHR prevents medical errors?
Decision support – How EHR helps physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases?
Interoperability – How EHR helps in Care Coordination of patients?
Patient support – How EHR helps patients’ education? Cite examples.
Administrative processes – How EHR improves billing and collection process?
Your 2-4 pages double-spaced APA formatted assignment excluding the Title and References pages and containing 2-3 credible sources of information should be submitted by Tuesday mid-night.

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