Instructions: Review and utilize the format: Comprehensive Health History Downl

Review and utilize the format: Comprehensive Health History Download Comprehensive Health History
Use the format in the provided template. It is provided to give you format guidance, but it is does not intended to be a fill in the blanks document – (make sure to take out the instructive parts – it should look like a professional history at the end). No not use N/A – if something is not included, state why. For example: Allergies is not N/A — State no allergies and be specific as to the allergies inquired about. Be complete and do not leave items out.
Interview a family member, friend, or coworker. Choose someone able to provide details in answer to the questions. Be careful to be complete with the history and document all questions asked (remember to probe)
Use patient initials with date of birth as only identifiers.
Once you complete the document and prior to submitting it, make sure to self-grade it from the rubric-be complete and don’t leave sections out. If you can’t give yourself points for a rubric item, the graded won’t either!
Turn it in will be used to make sure this is your own work. Make sure to turn in your own work.
Submission must be typed and submitted as a word document – be careful with files converted from pages or apples documents as they are unable to be graded. Once submitted to canvas, close out canvas, and resign in to verify the correct document was submitted and is uploaded correctly (right documents, right position). Make sure to submit by the due date-late assignments are not accepted.

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