Infographic Project You are required to develop an infographic from one of the t

Infographic Project
You are required to develop an infographic from one of the topics listed below by comparing Texas to another subnational government outside the United States:
-Relationship between the Central and Subnational Governments
-Executive Branch
-Legislative Branch
-Two Party versus Multiparty System
-Election Systems
-Local Governments
-Political Culture
-Policy (e.g., Social, Education, Finance, Water, etc.)
-Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
List of Countries Whose Subregional Governments You Can Compare Texas to:
-South America: Argentina (Federal) or Peru (Unitary)
-Africa: Nigeria (Federal) or South Africa (Unitary)
-North America and the Caribbean: Canada (Federal) or Cuba (Unitary)
-Oceania: Australia (Federal) or New Zealand (Unitary)
-Asia: India (Federal) or Saudi Arabia (Unitary)
-Europe: Germany (Federal) or the United Kingdom (Unitary)
While the topics seem broad, you can narrow a topic to ease the process.
Example #1: Voter Turnout
Focus: Voter Turnout in Texas versus Baja California (Mexico) since the 2010s
Example #2: Political Parties
Focus: Rise of the Republican Party in Texas compared to the Rise of the Parti Québécois in Quebec (Canada)
Rubric for the Infographic Project
Global Awareness
Synthesizes and/or evaluates differing interpretations of the selected topic based on the interrelatedness of influencing issues
Assembles an analysis of the selected topic based on the interrelatedness of influencing issues
Demonstrates, with generalizations, knowledge of issues influencing the problem
Does not demonstrate knowledge of issues influencing the selected topic
Demonstrates incorrect or incomplete knowledge of issues facing the selected topic
All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier to understand.
All graphics are related to the topic and most make it easier to understand.
Most of the graphics relate to the topic.
Most of the graphics do not relate to the topic.
Makes excellent use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation.
Makes good use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. to enhance the presentation.
Makes use of font, color, graphics, effects, etc. but occasionally these detract from the presentation content.
Use of font, color, graphics, effects etc. but these often distract from the presentation content.
No misspellings or grammatical errors.
A minimal amount of misspellings and/or mechanical errors.
A moderate amount of misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
A significant amount of misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
Able to frame the search systematically in a way that enables the student to identify the nature and the extent of information needed to address the issue.
Selects sources purposefully drawing on contexts and types that will inform their understanding of the issue
at hand.
Also, no errors with the use of MLA or APA style, and utilized at least 3 source.
for and selects sources stemming from geographic
and cultural contexts (region,
language, perspective)
beyond her own.
Can also search for and select more than one source type (e.g., academic
publications, government
reports). However, no
concrete strategy beyond a commitment to using different sources is apparent.
Also, minor errors with the use of MLA or APA style, and utilized at least 2 source.
Prefers using sources stemming from their own cultural context without having an apparent strategy to search for, select or differentiate between
Also, moderate errors with the use of MLA or APA style, and utilized at least 1 source.
Significant number of errors with the use of MLA or APA style, and utilized at least 0 sources.
-Content must be objective, not subjective
-Provide background information on your topic, at least three sentences long
-for example, in the sample infographic, the background information immediately follows
the title
-Mention at least five facts/information (must include text-based and visual-based content for each fact/information)
-for example, in the sample infographic, the five facts/information are: (1) Political Strength in the EU Parliament; (2) Political Strength in the Council of the EU; (3) Economic Weight in the EU; (4) Opt-outs From EU Laws; and (5) Net-contributor or Net-recipient?
-Most of the visual-based content should be self-generated (utilize the tools available in the website) and not just copied and pasted
-Paraphrase; do not copy information word for word
-MLA or APA Style (website link alone is not sufficient)
-APA Style Guide:
-MLA Style Guide:
-Scholarly/Academic and Government Sources Only; the textbook will not count
-Is it a Scholarly Article?:
-Three Types of Sources:
-Criteria stated in the above rubric
-Minimum of 3 sources (Create a separate block at the end of your infographic)
-You must also select at least two sources from non-American scholars

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