In this assignment, you will begin the preliminary work for your term paper, whi

In this assignment, you will begin the preliminary work for your term paper, which is due at the end of the class.
Review the question and requirements for the essay, found here. Then, find at least 3 secondary and 1 primary sources. At least one of the secondary sources has to be a real book (not a web site), and all of the secondary sources must be scholarly (as described here). Moreover, your textbook is not a valid source for this assignment; you can certainly use it for your paper, but you must have 3 secondary sources besides it. Also, your online sources must be from reputable, scholarly sources, such as universities, historical journals, or others along those lines; do not try to use the History Channel’s website (, or, for example. Please use this template to help you format this assignment.
If you need a review of what primary and secondary sources are, check out the “What Are Primary and Secondary Sources?” page.
Here is the question you need to answer:
The issue of slavery played a decisive part in the history of the United States in the 1800s. Using research and/or content knowledge write a comprehensive essay that addresses:
the arguments Southerners used to defend slavery;
slave resistance;
the role of slaves during the Civil War (make sure to consider whether or not they were an asset or liability to the Confederate war effort);
the problems emancipated slaves faced;
the efforts of Congress to guarantee freed slaves the rights of American citizens and whether or not Congressional action worked.
Topic of Paper/Working Title:
Primary Source-
Date of Publication:
Where you found it:
What information does it have that will be useful:
Primary Source-
Date of Publication:
Where you found it:
What information does it have that will be useful:
Secondary Source-
Date of Publication:
Where you found it:
What information does it have that will be useful:
Secondary Source-
Date of Publication:
Where you found it:
What information does it have that will be useful:

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