In American history, two documents are considered to contain the fundamental ri

In American history, two documents are considered to contain the fundamental rights of citizens: The preamble to the Declaration of Independence and (more completely) the Bill of Rights, which are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution.
Nearly 180 years later, in December of 1948, the United Nations General Assembly voted to accept the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations.
Your assignment, in 4-5 paragraphs, is to locate 2-3 rights listed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that are not echoed in the U.S. Constitution or Declaration of Independence which address employment or freedom of movement for the opportunity. State their article number and quote them. Then, for each, you will argue briefly if they should or should not be considered a right.
Note that in order to argue for or against something becoming a right, you must first develop a short-form theory answering the question “what is a right?”. Many examples are given in the reading, so you may either pick one and try to apply it consistently, or you may create some solid view of your own and apply it consistently.
The points in this assignment are split between:
1. Locating 2-3 new rights proposed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, citing and naming them
2. Stating and briefly developing your view of how we define and identify legitimate rights vs non-rights.
3. Applying your standard of rights to the new proposed rights consistently and with sufficient explanation.
Link to UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Link to US Bill of Rights:
Link to US Declaration of Independence:

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