Imagine you are a teacher in an urban high school. You have been asked by your p

Imagine you are a teacher in an urban high school. You have been asked by your principal to prepare an infographic that lists benefits to becoming a culturally responsive teaching school, as well as threats that exist to accomplishing this within the institution. In addition, he asks you to include your own strengths and areas for development in relation to the need for culturally responsive teaching in the classroom to meet student learning needs. Create an infographic in which you list your responses. Samples of infographics can be found: Infographics. Free infographic templates can be found at: and Some students find success using powerpoint. Include the following in your infographic: 3 benefits for becoming a culturally responsive teaching school, as well as your reasons for each benefit 3 threats (what can be a roadblock) that exist to accomplishing culturally responsive teaching in your school and reasons for each threat 3 personal strengths in terms of your own culturally responsive teaching-YOUR personal strengths 3 personal areas for development (challenges) in terms of your own culturally responsive teaching -YOUR challenges How each of the above address student learning needs Use visual aids-color, pictures, graphs….

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