IEP and 504 Plans Both Individualized Education Programs Links to an external si

IEP and 504 Plans
Both Individualized Education Programs Links to an external site. (IEPs) and 504 plans Links to an external site. can offer formal help for K–12 students who are struggling in school.
An IEP is an Individualized Education Program (or Plan) that is required for any child who qualifies as a student with a disability under state law, and as a result of the disability, the student requires “specially designed instruction” to make progress in the general education setting.
An IEP describes the special instruction or services that a student needs in order to access the curriculum. The student may work with a learning specialist within the general education classroom, outside the general education classroom, or a combination of both. An IEP may include modifications, or changes to the curriculum itself. For example, your child might read the same story as everyone else, just at a different reading level.
A 504 plan describes accommodations that will help the student succeed in the classroom and follow the curriculum – but without changing the curriculum itself. Accommodations are often small changes that might include sitting up front near the teacher, taking frequent breaks, or receiving extra time on tests. Again, accommodations do not change the curriculum that the student receives.Remember, the law requires that students with disabilities receive their education in the least restrictive environment, like the general education classroom, alongside their mainstream peers to the greatest extent possible.
Create a Venn Diagram to illustrate the differences/similarities between IEP and 504 Plans.
Below the Venn Diagram write brief paragraph to identify accommodations as specified in the IEP and 504 Plan when assessing students with disabilities.

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