I have a few chapters that i would like for you write an essay reflecting the ch

I have a few chapters that i would like for you write an essay reflecting the chapter. I will provide you with a pdf of each chapter. If i like your work i will keep inviting you for future assignments because i have 12 chapter to complete minimum. First i will start with 4 chapter reflections and i will provide you with the instructions you need to follow for each chapter below. You will have to answer a few questions in short essay format. Please make sure to follow the instructions carefully because this teacher is very strict.
Each essay should be written to reflect each chapter’s material. Using a “template” is strongly discouraged and may not be passing work.
Each reflection paper must be at least 750 words long and address all of the following points (A-G):
A.How does the topic of this chapter relate to my current financial and lifestyle situation?
B.How do I anticipate it will relate to me in 15 years?
C.How do I anticipate it will relate to me in 30 years?
D.What do I need to consider doing right now to improve my financial situation with respect to the chapter topic?
E.What will I need to do to improve my financial situation with respect to the chapter topic over the next 15 and 30 years?
F.What are three personal SMART goals with respect to the chapter topic? (That is, based on a discussion in Chapter 1, what are three Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based goals that will help you, personally, improve your situation with respect to the chapter topic? Please note that each chapter should have a different set of SMART goals. Important: a SMART goal is simultaneously Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based. Your three goals for each chapter must each reflect all five aspects of SMART goals. You must discuss why each of your three goals is a SMART goal, covering each of the five aspects.)
G.What materials or resources would you want to review to help you achieve the SMART goals?
When writing the paper, you should determine the nature and extent of information needed, and then
Demonstrate effective search strategies for finding information using a variety of sources and methods;
Locate, retrieve and evaluate a variety of relevant information, including print and electronic formats;
Organize and synthesize information in order to communicate effectively;
Explain the legal and ethical dimensions of the use of information.
It is expected that in your writing you should develop and clearly define your ideas on your chosen topic, and accomplish the following goals (based on the University standards for a writing-intensive course):
Ethically integrate sources of various kinds into your writing.
Compose texts through drafting, revising and completing a finished product.
Express yourself through your writing by posing questions, making original claims and coherently structuring complex ideas.
Revise your writing for greater cogency and clarity.
Utilize adopted communication modes and documentation styles of specific disciplines (MLA, APA, Chicago, CBE, etc.) where appropriate for your major.
An acceptable paper will be a finished product and should reflect the writing and information goals stated above. If the paper is “failed” for revision, then the revised paper should incorporate any feedback received and carefully follow the appropriate style most appropriate for your major. Each 750 word paper is graded pass/fail and is worth 8 points if “pass” is received. All papers must be initially submitted before their respective deadlines, below, in order to allow adequate time for grading. No paper may be originally submitted after the given chapter’s original submission deadline. Any revisions must be turned in by for any reason, although papers from the third unit which were returned for revision may be resubmitted until the final submission deadline.

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