Homework Assignment 2 Questions: Chapter 3: 1. Write a 1-2 page summary on the s

Homework Assignment 2 Questions: Chapter 3: 1. Write a 1-2 page summary on the six main areas that should be considered in a comprehensive analytics strategy. Feel free to use the textbook’s web-site (see the Additional Resources folder) for more information on this topic. Include examples. Use complete, coherent sentences when answering this question. Use at least five different sources for your answer and list them in your work. Chapter 4: 1. Write a 1-2 page summary on the three most common QI Methodologies used in healthcare today. Feel free to use the textbook’s web-site (see the Additional Resources folder) for more information on this topic. Include examples. Use complete, coherent sentences when answering this question. Use at least five different sources for your answer and list them in your work. Homework Assignment 2 Guidelines: Each reference/source must contain Title, Author Name(s) and Year of Publication. Any real world example related to given topic would make the homework more presentable.

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