GRADED Checkpoint: Based on the research you have encountered thus far, do you

GRADED Checkpoint: Based on the research you have encountered thus far, do you have the information to answer the questions below? If not, conduct more research AND be sure to cite the outside sources (research) you use now. Do not wait until later, which wastes time.
This must be submitted on a Microsoft Word document in MLA FORMAT.
Write the INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH so that it includes information below
An attention-getter is needed to hook the reader (see pages 106-108 of chapter 6 of Back to the Lake). Also see suggestions in the rubric.
Background Information – When, where, and how the issue began
Affected Group – Who is concerned or involved in this issue
Two Sides – Briefly explain the two sides to the issue.
Thesis Statement – in the correct Although . . . because formula

REMEMBER: The LAST sentence of the introduction paragraph is your THESIS STATEMENT in the “Although/because” formula you have already submitted–and revised, according to instructor feedback.
To improve your own introduction, read good sample introductions.

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