Genre: Formal Proposal Audience: A manager, boss, or employer who has the abilit

Genre: Formal Proposal
Audience: A manager, boss, or employer who has the ability to give you permission to use workplace time and resources to research a larger project
Purpose: You will convince your audience of the need to research workplace problem/opportunity OR culture in order to produce a workplace report
Style: Formal
Length: Approximately 1,500 words including at least 3 sections and a reference page.
Research: You are required to use at least two secondary sources in your report; you may find it useful to use secondary sources as well in your Introduction to provide some context for your readers
Images or Charts: The proposal should contain at least one image or chart that outline the research plan and convince the audience that you have the time to complete the research and know the steps needed to complete the research
Proposals allow readers to understand the importance of a problem, explore the feasibility of a proposed solution and approach, and evaluate the qualifications and credibility of the individual writing the proposal. You will include the following components or sections in your proposal
Problem Descriiption or Research Need
Research Objectives
Implementation (which should include a timeline, an organizational chart, and a budget)
Importantly, the sections are geared for the interests of the multiple primary and secondary audiences who may be reviewing the proposal. The major sections should each serve a distinct purpose. Refer to the following grid when you are working on the individual sections:
Chart describing the major potential sections of a proposal
Potential Proposal Sections Questions Each Section May Answer (It is not necessary to answer every question for every section)

The introduction acts as a brief overview and presents your problem, purpose, solution, explanation of the importance of your proposal, relevant background information, and the forecast of what you are going to do in the proposal itself. Your readers should have a clear idea as to the scope of your research and what you hope to accomplish.
What is the overall purpose of this proposal?
What is the problem, need, or opportunity?
Why is your problem, need, or opportunity important to your reader and their workplace?
What background information do they need to better understand your proposal?
What is the solution that you are going to propose?
What final deliverable are you offering?
What should your readers expect in this proposal?
Problem Descriiption/Opportunity (“Why?” “What’s the problem?”)

In a brief overview to this section, forecast the proposal problem/opportunity or need to understand a specific culture

You may want to break up the problem into several manageable sub-points or sub-sections. You need to provide readers with enough background so that they can make a good decision as to how significant your problem, need, or opportunity is going to be for the company/organization. Include enough background so that you show your credibility—your readers need to be assured that you know what you are talking about. Include specifics and details to help magnify the problem or emphasize the need to understand a specific culture. You’ll want to develop the problem to address the causes of the problem and the consequences of the problem or help the audience realize the potential loss of not addressing the problem or understanding the proposed culture

You’ll probably need to include a few outside research sources to support the importance and immediacy of the problem or need to know more about the topic

Leave your readers with a brief closing paragraph that links them to the following research objectives section
What is the overall purpose of this proposal?
What is the problem, need, or opportunity?
Why is your problem, need, or opportunity important to your reader and their workplace?
What background information do they need to better understand your proposal?
How is research going to help address the problem or opportunity?
What final deliverable are you offering?
What should your readers expect in this proposal?
Preliminary Research
This section shows the audience that research does exist on the topic and that it would be beneficial for the company to know more about the topic

What primary research has been found?
How is this research beneficial to the company?
Why should the company know more about the topic?
Objectives and Research Questions
This sections emphasizes potential gain of doing more research into the topic. Include research objectives and goals and help the audience understand the value of using company resources on this project
What objectives do you have for the research?
What research question are you hoping to answer?
How will the business benefit from knowing more about the topic?
This section gives the audience an understanding of what they should expect to receive from you if they approve the research
What is your vision for the report?
What do you think it will cover?
How long will the report be?
This section outlines how you plan on conducting the research and gives the audience a time line of when the research will be conducted. The section should convince the audience that you are qualified to do the research and have the time to do it. There should be at least one visual (a Gnatt chart or timeline) that shows the audience that you have a good understanding of the research and steps needed to produce the desired report and have the time to do it
How do you plan on researching topic?
When will you research the topic?
When will you write the report?
How much time will you have to spend?
What types of resources will you have to use?
What types of databases will you be using? What types of primary research will you do? (Interviews, etc.)
Why are you the right person to deliver this proposal? What qualities, advantages, strengths, and capabilities do you possess?
This section reminds the reader of the necessity of approving the project.
What are the overall benefits to this proposal?
Why should your readers act quickly on this proposal?
What will happen if the proposal is not acted on?
Why are you a good person to be leading this proposed solution?
The proposal should contain at least two sources cited using APA style. Remember to cite them in the document and on the works cited page.

Correspondence Module Rubric
Correspondence Module Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePurpose & Persuasiveness: To what degree have you used rhetorical strategies to appeal to your audience in order to induce cooperation and a good rapport, maintain a strong relationship, and make yourself and your organization appear credible? Additionally, does your reader understand why you are writing to them? Have you provided enough context?
20 pts
Exceeds Expectations
17.5 pts
Meet with Strengths
15 pts
Meets Expectations
10 pts
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopment & Specifics: Have you included the appropriate amount of detail (evidence, background, facts, etc.) to meet your purpose and to enable your audience to make a decision? Have you provided enough explanation and detail so that your audience understands the decision that your company has made?
20 pts
Exceeds Expectations
17.5 pts
Meet with Strengths
15 pts
Meets Expectations
10 pts
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization, Style, & Rhetorical Strategies: You use the “You Attitude” and other organizational and rhetorical strategies to create a strong relationship with readers; you use paragraphing to focus on major points; you consider direct or indirect approaches when delivering “good” or “bad news.”
20 pts
Exceeds Expectations
17.5 pts
Meet with Strengths
15 pts
Meets Expectations
10 pts
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEditing / Proofreading / Formatting: You apply the formal characteristics of the correspondence genres to enhance your credibility and make you more persuasive. You will meet the formal expectations of your readers.
15 pts
Exceeds Expectations
13.5 pts
Meet with Strengths
11 pts
Meets Expectations
8 pts
15 pts
Total Points: 75

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