For this discussion, read the three files of Future Scan articles, then submit y

For this discussion, read the three files of Future Scan articles, then submit your response to these questions .You also need to respond to the responses of at least two other person by the deadline I gave you.
1. Do you think the Future Scan articles provide a comprehensive overview of the issues healthcare leaders will need to address in the future? Explain.
2. What other issues of concern might arise that are specific to your healthcare organization or region of the country that are not addressed by Future Scan?
3. As a healthcare leader, what primary sources of information will you/do you use to keep informed about emerging issues that may significantly impact healthcare and/or your organization and profession?
4. Name the top three healthcare-related issues of concern to you today, and explain how these might be addressed at the personal, organizational, state, regional, and national levels to bring about constructive change. What are the potential impediments? How might you be a change agent in addressing these issues?

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