For this assignment, you will use one of the complaint letters below to compose

For this assignment, you will use one of the complaint letters below to compose a response to complaint letter. You will answer this complaint letter as if you currently acted as the assistant to the person whom the letter addresses. (Bosses rarely write their own letter but, instead, delegate that task to their assistant.) You will respond on behalf of your boss and your department. 

For this assignment, you will use one of the complaint letters above to compose a response to complaint letter. You will answer this complaint letter as if you currently acted as the assistant to the person whom the letter addresses. (Bosses rarely write their own letter but, instead, delegate that task to their assistant.) You will respond on behalf of your boss and your department. 
Consider the problem/complaint this letter has brought to your attention and how your office should address the problem.  You can find actual administrative policies on the John Jay website which you should research so that your response has a credible ethos.  
You will need to articulate the original complaint in your response to complaint letter, so that your reader knows that you have correctly heard and acknowledged the complaint.  In a balanced and factual response, you should apolgize for the problem (if necessary) and provide possible, valid resolutions to the issue. 
You will also find here a Sample Response to Complaint Letter with sidebar comments about the structure of the letter ATTACHED.

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