First Assignment: Required: One deliverable with multiple worksheets described b

First Assignment:
Required: One deliverable with multiple worksheets described below.
1. Begin by downloading and saving this data file with YOUR name in the file name: Tech 1 data 02 24 22 v2.xlsx
Copy and rename the worksheets to indicate the problem and the criteria for that sheet. (Example 1. formula, 2. % change, 3. Filter, etc. )
1 Formulas: “Copy” the original Data Worksheet and “MOVE to end”. Rename the copy “Formulas”. In Column E Totals insert a formula to total Columns C and D, then copy that formula to all rows
2. Formulas, Relative cell reference: In Column F Row 3, Insert a formula for % change in Total Sales from prior year (Row 2), copy to all rows
3. Formulas, Absolute cell references: In Column G, enter the formula to compute the % change from Year 1 (using the absolute cell reference for Year 1) for the Defense column, copy to all rows
4. Add a total (sum) to the Defense column cell C30. Format columns C and D to $
5. Add Conditional formatting to the % Change from Prior Year column, format the high (green) and low % (red) change (see page 1 of the attached instructions document)
6 Filter data: Select the top row (column titles), go to the Data tab, and Turn on Auto Filter, then filter to show only Decade 2. Leave Filters ON, but remove that filter.
7 Custom List Filter: At the top of the Defense column, click the filter arrow and select Number Filter, then Create a CUSTOM Filter for values GREATER than 25 AND LESS than 39
8 Copy the Formulas worksheet and MOVE TO End.
Rename it Custom Sort.
Remove the Filter, then Select the entire sheet and from the Data tab, select Sort, then Custom List to create a custom sort for Decades as 2,1,3 (see page 2 in the instructions document)
Re-Sort the entire table based on Column E Total, to view the largest total sales at the top of the list
9. Copy the worksheet, move to end, and rename it Subtotals.
Sort the list by Decade (1,2,3).
Remove the total at the bottom of Column C.
Use the Subtotal function on the Data tab, under Outline. At each change in Decade, add a subtotal to the Defense Aircraft… Column. Please do NOT simply add the sections – you must use the Subtotal function. (see image below for subtotal format and page 3 in the instructions document for detailed steps)
10. Copy your original Formulas sheet. Move to end and rename Pivot Tables. Remove the filter and the subtotal in Column C . Insert at least 2 pivot tables and one chart summarizing the data in the full table
Always add a title and axis labels to any chart.
Sort the data to make the table easy to read and to view the most important information
Use the Instructions document to find detailed steps
11. Click the + to the right of the Pivot Tables tab to Add a worksheet. Find some table of data in YOUR field or industry. Copy that data to a sheet (rename it My Data) in your workbook and use a pivot table to sort, filter, and insert a chart. (see pages 4 & 5 in the instructions document)
12. Submit all worksheets together in one file.
Second Assignment:
Please submit these 3 deliverables (described in detail below):
Research and write a short summary of the FOUR strategic initiatives below
Short description of a firm, its strategies (generic or specific), and the competitive environment
One or two-page recommendation you would make to your management team about implementing one of these (or similar) strategic initiatives, linking the solution to the firm’s strategy and Balanced Scorecard (see below)
Please think back to our work on Mission, Vision, Competitive and Generic Strategies, and Goals.
Strategic Initiatives: A Strategic Initiative is an investment of resources dedicated to accomplishing an organizational objective (like Increasing sales through new product development). Unlike strategic objectives, which tend to be phrased as broad goals, strategic initiatives are projects that include scope, budget, and start/end date and help achieve the strategic objectives. Implementing a major software system is one type of strategic initiative.
1. Imagine that you are a manager in a regional firm in your industry. Research the strategic initiatives below AND AFTER researching these, select one of these OR an important and relevant initiative in your industry:
Business Process Reengineering (BPR)- involves the radical redesign of core business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in productivity, cycle times and quality, often with a technology solution. In Business Process Reengineering, companies start with a blank sheet of paper and rethink existing processes to deliver more value to the customer
Supply Chain Management (SCM) – Systems that help the firm acquire, transport, and store raw materials, packaging, labor, etc, and deliver completed product to vendors or directly to customers.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)- Systems that manage information about all facets of customer interaction with the firm
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) – System that pulls together all types of front-end, management, and transaction systems
2. Describe your environment: Imagine you work for a firm like Great Plains, Salina Vortex, or K-State Salina or a regional firm in your industry. Briefly describe the firm, it’s growth strategies and the competitive environment.
Balanced Scorecard Visual
3 Your manager has asked you to research the system (of your choice for this assignment) and make a recommendation on whether to pursue further work to implement such a system. Write a one to two-page memorandum OR create a short presentation to a firm’s officers (recording not required) that provides background and recommendation (or not) for such an initiative, including at least the following:
Purpose of the initiative you have chosen to explore,
Link to strategic objectives of the firm and to the firm’s balanced scorecard: what objective, measures, and targets would this initiative impact?
Who currently uses such a system (peers and other firms that you can contact for information)
Who sells such software solutions
Why a firm would select/use such a system
Critical success factors in implementing such a system (CSFs are ENABLERS)
Future technology possibilities – ways our firm can expand on this in the future
See the image below for examples of Critical Success Factors

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