Finding an article: You can find the latest news pertaining about International

Finding an article:
You can find the latest news pertaining about International Business from various media such as The NewYork Times, The Washington Post, Economist, Fortune, Business Week, and Wall Street Journal. Of course, if you need any help in finding an article, talk to me in advance
In your recorded presentation, you will provide the following information (Due by Wednesday):
1. Summary of the article so that your group knows the relevant details (SLIDE 1 ADD NOTES AS WELL)
2. Brief background about the company/industry highlighted in the article (current status; future growth; trends impacting the industry etc). You will need to do some research here. (SLIDE 2 ADD NOTES AS WELL)
3. Why you found the article interesting. (SLIDE 3 ADD NOTES AS WELL)
4. How can other companies use the information presented in the article? (SLIDE 4 ADD NOTES AS WELL)
5. Generate 3 questions that can lead to a discussion among your group. If an article does not have enough information to generate discussion, pick another article. Do not ask questions for which the answer would be a simple yes or no. (SLIDE 5 ADD NOTES AS WELL)
Please make notes on each slide 100 WORDS so I can present without reading straight off each slide.

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