Exam Content To apply statistical reasoning in psychology, you must be able to u

Exam Content
To apply statistical reasoning in psychology, you must be able to understand and utilize central tendency and probability calculations for various circumstances.
Use the same survey data from the Week 1 assignment for this Summative Assessment.
Continuing in your role as an intern with a community clinic, imagine your supervisor has now requested that you prepare a report for the entire staff of the clinic on the results of the customer satisfaction survey.
Your supervisor has asked you to explain the statistical calculations using language that the entire staff of your community clinic (such as office workers or those who have never had a course in statistics) could understand.
Write a 350- to 525-word report that includes:
Computation of the mean, median, mode, sum of squares (SS), the variance, and the standard deviation for this sample using the definitional and computational formulas
Data organized in a table with definitional and computational formulas for each
A review of your histogram from Week 1, in which you determine whether the mean is greater than, less than, or approximately equal to the median. Justify your answer.
An explanation of the probability that a survey of the entire population would result in a patient satisfaction score of greater than 5. Justify your answer.

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