Evidence-Based Treatment Paper
For this assignment, you are required to identify a DSM-5 disorder or presenting concern and write a paper that summarizes three studies that evaluate treatment for this problem. You will need to find at least three peer-reviewed, empirical journal articles, summarize, and critique them. You should conclude the paper with your thoughts about what future work needs to be done to add to what we know about how to treat that concern. As such, this paper will have four sections 1) introduction of the disorder/problem, 2) literature review section, wherein you describe each peer-reviewed article, 3) a summary section, wherein put everything you learned from the papers together to comment on treatment for this problem, and last 4) a critique section, wherein you note weaknesses of these studies and future studies that are needed to better understand and treat the problem.
A few notes: There is no page length requirement for this paper. You should write as much as you need to fulfill the requirements of this assignment. That being said, there are certain parts of the paper that you should spend more time (page length) on than others. You can use the “points possible” as a guide for which sections these might be. In other words, if there is a section that is worth more points toward the total grade for this assignment, you may want to consider writing more extensively for that component.
You must also write your paper focusing on the topic you get approved on Blackboard. Papers that deviate from the approved topic will only receive partial credit.
You must use APA style for in-text citations and formatting the reference list.
On the next page, you will find the rubric that will be used to grade your papers. If you have questions about how these aspects of the paper will be graded, or are unsure of how to complete this assignment, please contact Dr. Lawton ASAP.
For specific deadlines, see syllabus
Evidence-Based Treatments Paper Rubric
Lawton, PSCH 333
Criteria Details Points Earned Points Possible
Introduction For the beginning of your paper, please introduce the scope of the paper, and describe the disorder or presenting concern. Use DSM-5 language as appropriate5
EBT “Literature Review” Be sure to describe (at least) three peer-reviewed, recent psychotherapy studies in detail, including methods and conclusions. 20
Summary of Evidence Put these findings together. What can we understand about treatment for this concern based on the literature?10
Critique and Future Directions Use your critical eye – what did these studies miss? What can we not conclude from their work? Based on what you found, what future studies need to be done for this concern?5
Spelling, Grammar, APA Style Be sure you’ve proofread your document! For this paper, please be sure your in-text citations and reference list are in APA style.10
Total Points50
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