Essay Question: How did the right to privacy emerge and expand? Discuss how this

Essay Question: How did the right to privacy emerge and expand? Discuss how this right has been defined by cases involving contraceptives, abortions, and same-sex relations.
Use APA style of in-text citing and use page numbers even when paraphrasing. For example, you would put the following after a sentence if the idea came from page 121 in your textbook: (Morone & Kersh, 2021, p. 121). You do not need a cover page or a bibliography because we are all using the same sources. Do not use any outside sources/references.
You must use the classic 5 paragraph essay structure (introductory paragraph; 3 paragraph body; conclusion). Use 12 point font and double spacing (easier to read).
Each paragraph should have at least 5 college-level sentences.
Start your intro paragraph with an interesting “hook” (e.g., an historical event, interesting quote, interesting statistic). State the thesis/purpose of your essay in the intro paragraph. End your introductory paragraph with a sentence that clearly

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