Discussion Question 1 Give your own example of shaping. State the circumstances

Discussion Question 1
Give your own example of shaping. State the circumstances under which shaping is particularly useful. Explain the meaning of behavior therapy and discuss the basic operant conditioning procedures typically used in it. Minimum of 75 words-150 words.
Discussion Question 2
Define locus of control and distinguish between internals and externals. Discuss the relationship between locus of control and well-being and include evidence with regard to personal achievement in your own life. Minimum of 75-150 words
Chapter 13: The Behavioral/Social Learning Approach: Theory, Application, and Assessment (Burger)
Chapter 14: The Behavioral/Social Learning Approach: Relevant Research (Burger
By Burger, Jerry M.Edition : 10TH 19Publisher : CENGAGE LISBN 13 : 9781337559010

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