Discussion Board This discussion board, you will be delving into how nurses can

Discussion Board
This discussion board, you will be delving into how nurses can identify and advocate for change at the hospital level and beyond. Using the learning materials and activities from this module, follow the instructions below:
Instructions – Write
Your initial response should address the discussion prompt(s) and demonstrate critical thinking. Your response should make personal connections, incorporate course learning materials, and include scholarly references to support your main ideas. Your initial post should be no less than 250 words and a maximum of 750 words. Post your initial response by Wednesday, 11:59 pm.
For this week’s discussion, identify a health-related issue that is occurring at your hospital, in the local community or state-wide. You will need to include the following:
1.Describe your position, with rationale, on the health-related issue.
2.At what level will this issue be addressed (unit level, hospital level, local government, state government, etc.)?
3.Who will make the decision about the issue (nurse manage, Chief Nursing Officer, Chief Medical Officer, Governor, etc.)?
4.Explain why professions have associations. What opportunities offered by associations would help increase the leadership capacity of your role in regards to your health-related issue? Explain why professional associations are important?
5.What could you, as a nurse, do to influence the change necessary to improve the health-related issue? Consider your involvement in politics and political development at the levels of citizen, activist, and politician.
Course text: Black, B. (2024). Professional nursing: Concepts and challenges. Elsevier.
Need additional scholarly resource. < 5 yrs old

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