Discussion 4 Prompt Over the decades, scholars have taken rather divergent posit

Discussion 4 Prompt
Over the decades, scholars have taken rather divergent positions on the degree of influence particular categories of difference may have on the way a certain culture values or understands gender.
For example, some might say the intersection of race/ethnicity and gender is a powerful social cocktail that determines not only how we think about gender but also how we expect it to be expressed and represented in art and culture. Similarly, others contend the intersection of religion or belief system and gender is the key to understanding how a culture views and treats women.
For the sake of practicality, we can simplify the scholarly perspectives into five positions:
Ethnicity or “race” provides the strongest point of intersection with how gender is understood and valued in culture.
Religion, “world view,” or belief system is the strongest intersecting factor with how gender is understood and valued in culture.
Social or economic class is the most powerful influence over how gender is understood and valued in culture.
A combination and interplay of cultural differences affect how gender is understood and valued in culture.
Other areas of cultural difference only minimally affect how gender is understood and valued in culture; gender itself is the strongest component of culture.
Based on the course learning, explain which scholarly position you are most likely to agree with and why, as well as why at least one other position is not as compelling. (This part of your post should be 5 complete sentences.)
Then support that position with an example from the textbook that we have not yet discussed or written about as a class. (That means figures like Phillis Wheatley, and Anne Hutchinson and Susan B. Anthony, etc. should NOT be used as your example).
(The example I want you to talk about is SHIGE KUSHIDA which is on CHAPTER 7 Table of Contents Women in an Expanding Nation from pages 356-389)
Please refer to specific historical artifacts and/or specific people and particular events to support your perspectives. (So for example, rather than talking about suffragists broadly, name a specific suffragette or artifact from their campaign.) Include the page number and/or section of the textbook (e-books may not have page numbers) to help you be precise.
The example you include for support could be from further ahead in the chapters we have not gotten to yet, or from material in chapters we already covered yet didn’t discuss as a group. Consider using the book’s index to help you discover topics related to the position you want to support in your post.

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