Directions: You are employed as a financial assistance worker at a human service

Directions: You are employed as a financial assistance worker at a human services agency. You believe that some of your co-workers and your supervisor are approving applications for financial assistance submitted by their relatives, which is against the law. These co-workers and your supervisor seem to be close friends. You are experiencing a significant amount of stress when thinking about the possible fraudulent activity, as well as the possibility for retaliation if you are to report the situation. Initial post: Describe what you might do in this situation both in terms of the potential conflict of interest and self-care. What guidance does either of the Codes of Ethics (NASW or NOHS) have to offer? Reply post: Relate to a post made by one of your peers. Share with them how their post may have impacted your opinion. REPLY BACK TO ANOTHER STUDENTS POST: The NASW code 2.10 talks about unethical conduct of colleagues. In this situation I would not talk to my colleagues like the NASW states because I feel this action is above just talking especially because the supervisor could be involved with this unethical conduct. I would make an anonymous tip to the state licensing board. If the agency had a committee board I would also tell the board chair who could ask to see the books and conduct an audit. I feel that making an anonymous tip protects myself from retaliation while still protecting the agency’s clients and providing the best service possible. Reply

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