Corporation’s name: Walt Disney The paper must have the following: Cover page Ex

Corporation’s name: Walt Disney
The paper must have the following: Cover page
Executive Summary page
Body of paper
Reference page
using the United States public-for-profit corporation that you selected in Week 1 of the course to illustrate the topics that were introduced through weeks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and the class discussion topic of week 7
Type your introduction …
Brief history and ethical issues of your corporation
Provide with in-text cites.
Analysis of Accounting Issues
Provide analysis with in-text cites
Analysis of Finance Issues
Provide analysis with intext cites
Analysis of Economic Issues
Provide analysis with in-text cites
Analysis of Statistics Issue/ Provide analysis with in-text cites/Conclusions with Recommendations/ In your original writing/ Summary, Reference List

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