Concept map Meds: PHP and Prazosin History: Suicidal Thoughts with no plan for

Concept map
Meds: PHP and Prazosin
History: Suicidal Thoughts with no plan for few years
Abused by mom boyfriend
this is my journal it will help you for the concept map.
I didn’t expect to be so deeply affected by my first visit to the mental health clinic, but I was. My first day working with patients exposed me to the multifaceted realities of psychological care nursing. The seriousness of the challenges in this sector was demonstrated by my assigned patient, a 16-year-old who was having suicidal thoughts. This journal describes my experience and emphasizes the effectiveness of patients establishing daily objectives as part of their treatment journey and a strange component of the clinic’s strategy—hanging the restroom door from the ceiling to maintain privacy.
The contact I had with the young client highlighted how crucial different competencies are in mental health nursing. First, I was able to realize that clear that efficient communication was a crucial skill. By building a relationship with the patient, I was able to inspire collaboration and better understand the specifics of their challenges. Second, a clear demonstration of the capacity to gauge and address the patient’s situation (Furnes et al., 2018). I became aware of the gravity of the patient’s suicidal thoughts and the importance of ongoing watchfulness in a mental health environment. Finally, the inventive practice of suspending the restroom door, a measure designed to increase the patient’s sense of security and dignity, demonstrated the dedication to upholding a secure and private atmosphere.
It’s important to talk about the clinic’s unusual privacy measure of hanging the washroom door from the ceiling; despite its odd appearance, this tactic highlights the clinic’s commitment to creating a setting that respects patients’ requirements. This made me realize the vulnerability frequently felt by people in mental health facilities requires significant modifications to standard arrangements (Furnes et al., 2018). This strategy protects patient privacy and demonstrates the clinic’s dedication to customizing the atmosphere to improve treatment results. The hanging door serves as a metaphor for the innovative and compassionate approach needed in mental health care.
In conclusion, my first day at the mental health clinic gave me a profound understanding of the skills essential to mental health nursing. It emphasized the value of clear communication, careful evaluation, and upholding a secure workplace. The clinic’s imaginative methods—including hanging the restroom door and using goal-setting strategies—further demonstrated the creative and sympathetic character of mental health nursing. This experience deepened my understanding of patient care and inspired me to consider the broader implications of nursing practices for well-being and personal development.

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