Choose one of the topics below and address each question it poses. Your paper doesn’t need to follow a traditional five-paragraph structure, but it must be coherent and well-organized. You answers should be thoughtful and well-informed by the text, our class discussions, and any additional research you decide to do. Your paper should be well-written according to Academic English and must be formatted using APA or MLA style. You must cite your sources (including our text) and include a References page. Your responses should remain close to the point but be thorough enough to fully explore your chosen topic, between 500 and 1000 words.
Each paper is graded primarily on the quality of its content, but also coherence, organization, and grammar. You may rewrite and resubmit any paper during the semester to improve your grade for the assignment. At the end of the semester I will drop your single lowest paper grade from consideration for your final grade.
a. Explain and Explore Diglossia – What is diglossia? Explain the concept of diglossia in terms of both modern and classic conceptions and provide examples of one or more diglossic societies. What is diglossia’s role in society? Explain differences between the H and L varieties in a diglossic situation, including domains, functions, and attitudes. What is the impact of diglossia on society? Consider both the positive and negative effects diglossia may incur upon a society. Not all diglossic societies are the same, so be sure to consider these questions in the context of various diglossic situations. For example, both Switzerland and Haiti have stable diglossias, but the two situations are significantly different.
b. Functions of Code-switching – What is code-swtiching, and why do we do it? Using examples identify and explain the various functions of code-switching (the text makes four distinct functions clear). Identify the social factors which might affect a speaker’s decision to code-switch and identify the linguistic factors which affect a speaker’s ability to code-switch. What is metaphorical code-switching (sometimes called code-mixing) and how does it differ from other types of code-switching (consider both social and linguistic differences)? Find an example of code-switching (from film, TV, literature, or your own experience) and briefly analyze it. Identify the codes being used, the function(s) of the switching, and the social factors surrounding it.
c. Different Diglossias – Compare and contrast two different diglossic situations, contemporary or historical. As a default pair, you should consider the diglossias in both Switzerland and Haiti, but feel free to choose any two others (e.g. global diglossia of Arabic, the former diglossia of Greece, or Norman England, etc.). Use the two chosen societies to explain the fundamentals of what diglossia is, as well as explore the variations it presents in both its role in society and its impact on society. Consider how the chosen two diglossias are similar or different with respect to their H and L varieties, the domains or functions of their usage, the attitudes towards them, their stability, adn their origins and endings (where possible).
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