Chapter 7 1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of presentational, hands-o

Chapter 7
1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of presentational, hands-on, and group building training methods.
2. Provide recommendations for effective on-the-job training (OJT).
3. Develop a case study.
4. Develop a self-directed learning module.
5. Discuss the key components of behavior modeling training.
6. Explain the conditions necessary for adventure learning to be effective.
7. Discuss what team training should focus on to improve team performance.

Chapter 8
1. Explain how new technologies are influencing training.
2. Evaluate a web-based training site.
3. Explain how learning and transfer of training are enhanced by using new training technologies.
4. Explain the strengths and limitations of e-learning, mobile technology training methods (such as iPads), and simulations.
5. Explain the different types of social media and the conditions conducive to their use for training.
6. Describe to a manager the various types of distance learning.
7. Recommend what should be included in an electronic performance support system.
8. Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of traditional training methods versus those of technology-based training methods.
9. Identify and explain the benefits of learning management systems.

Chapter 9
1. Discuss the steps in the development planning process.
2. Explain the employees’ and company’s responsibilities in planning development.
3. Discuss current trends in using formal education for development.
4. Relate how assessment of personality type, work behavior, and job performance can be used for employee development.
5. Explain how job experiences can be used for development and suggest a job experience to match an employee’s development goal or need.
6. Identify the characteristics of an effective mentoring program.
7. Describe the succession planning process and how the nine-box grid is used.
8. Design an effective on-boarding process.
Tell us about what you have learned.
Please pick a topic from any of the list above and discuss your new insights based on what you have learned. Please include how what you learned relates to past or current work place situations. Please respond by 11:59 on Sunday. Consider keeping the “community of learners” alive by responding to each other’s posts.
Please use United States Military for past work place!

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