Case Study: Two Ways to Reduce the Quantity of Smoking Demanded Public service a

Case Study: Two Ways to Reduce the Quantity of Smoking Demanded
Public service announcements, mandatory health warnings on cigarette packages, and the prohibition of cigarette advertising on television are policies designed to reduce the demand for cigarettes (and shift the demand curve to the left).
What is the impact of raising the price of cigarettes (through tobacco taxes) on the quantity of cigarettes demanded. Does the demand curve shift? An increase in the price of cigarettes can be shown by a movement along the original demand curve?
Studies have shown that a 10% increase in the price of cigarettes causes a 4% reduction in the quantity of cigarettes demanded. For teens, a 10% increase in price leads to a 12% drop in quantity demanded.
Studies have also shown that a decrease in the price of cigarettes is associated with greater use of marijuana. Thus, it appears that tobacco and marijuana are complements.
Assignment Summary:
Refer to Figure 4 in Chapter 4. Analyze the case based on these two graphs and the theory, complements, and substitutes.
What is your conclusion? Raising taxes on tobacco has any impact on smoking?
Post your views to the discussion board and refer to at least two key concepts from this week’s Chapters. Please use CAPITAL LETTERS to name and define them. A complete list is found at the end of every chapter. Your illustration of concepts MUST explain why you think they are relevant to the week’s topic using specific information from the articles, videos, and other research you may have done.
You are required to post your main post and respond to your instructor and at least one classmate. You may need to respond to your instructor more than once. Keep your posts short, specific, and clear. Every post must not exceed 250 words.
Remember to document all use of sources by using citations and references. These should be in APA format.
Please review Plagiarism Powerpoints ( PLAGIARISM.ppt Plagiarism – Alternative Formats ) and be sure to provide references (APA.ppt), including URLs where appropriate, to all works that you cite.
Refer to at least two different key concepts from this week’s Chapters. Please use CAPITAL LETTERS to name and define them. A complete list is found at the end of every chapter. Your illustration of concepts MUST include an explanation of why you think they are relevant to the week’s topic using specific information from the articles, videos, and other research you may have done.
Rubric for Microeconomics discussion. Professor Lopez.
Levels of Achievement
Poor work
Partial work
Good work
Minimum participation requirement
(50 points)
No work submitted or just one post and/or no more than 167 words. Work is submitted late.
(10 points)
Two posts submitted and/or less than 500 words total. Three posts may be submitted but very late during the week (last day and late).
(30 points)
At least three posts and 500 words are submitted during three different days
(50 points)
Main questions of assignment
(20 points)
Opinion submitted but main question(s) of assignment is (are) not addressed
(4 points)
Opinion submitted and main question is partially addressed
(12 points)
Opinion submitted and questions of assignment are properly addressed
(20 points)
Response to instructor
(10 points)
No response to instructor comments/questions
(0 points)
Partial responses to questions from instructor/comments, or further and necessary clarifications are not provided.
(5 points)
Proper responses to questions from instructor
(10 points)
Key-concept illustration
(20 points)
No key concepts are named, defined, and explained how they may relate to article/topic.
(0 points)
Only one key concept identified or partial illustration of at least two key concepts.
(10 points)
Two key concepts are properly named and defined, and then explained how they may relate to assignment.
(20 points)
Now click the “Week 1 DISCUSSION” title above to go to the discussion forum. You are required to start a new thread. Click on the Create Thread button at the top. You can also respond to an existing post by clicking the Respond button at the bottom of the post.
This assignment closes at the end of the week. No exceptions.

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