Assignment 1 Imaging: Students will make a collage in Photoshop using layer mask

Assignment 1 Imaging:
Students will make a collage in Photoshop using layer masks. Each student must combine 10 images together in one Photoshop file. The final image should have a theme that makes sense to the viewer. The theme is up to you to decide. You can make your collage about anything as long as it is school appropriate.
Things to consider:
Mask Lines, Believability, Design
Acquire photos using the provided cyber shots, personal camera, or copyright free sources online like www.pexels.comLinks to an external site.
Post produce acquired images in Photoshop. Be sure to use non-destructive techniques.
Turn in concept photos along with your final image after post production is complete.
Jpg files will be adequate for this.
all manipulations should be non-destructive.
You will turn in a PSD for this portion of the assignment.
Your FINAL Photoshop file should include the following:
8 x 10 image at 150 PPI
Named and Organized layers
Layer Masks
Adjustment layers
At least 10 images
At least one Text layer
At least one gradient
A use of layer blend modes
Layer styles

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