Assessment Write-up #2
Due Friday by 11:59pm Points 100 Submitting a text entry box, a website url, or a file upload
Assessment Write up #2
You are required to conduct 2 assessment write-ups for this course. This course expands your knowledge of literacy development and assessment at the K-2 levels. Therefore, it will be necessary for you to find a student inside or outside of your classroom or school who will assist you in field testing.
Administer the following assessments with your K-2 student. You are also required to write a detailed report of the results. The details of the write-up are below.
Required for everyone Reading Attitude Survey (required): Read the brief article attached describing the development of the survey (also includes the survey you will use for administration and write-up). Attitude Survey (McKenna & Kear)
Choose ONE
Fluency: You will find a short book or reading passage that is an appropriate reading level for your student (if this is not a child you work with directly, get information from the child’s teacher or parent regarding appropriate reading level. If you need further assistance finding the right reading level, reach out to Dr. Douglass). View pgs. 17-18 of Rasinski’s Megabook of Fluency text to review how to administer and fill in the EARS protocol.
EARS rubric (from Rasinski’s Megabook of Fluency)
Important: If your student is a pre-reader, please follow the directions in the following document and ONLY fill in the “E” section of the EARS rubric: Rasinski pre-readers
Vocabulary: You will find a book that is at your child’s appropriate listening vocabulary (it is okay for you to read the story to them or if it is at their reading level, they can read it aloud to you). Within the text, locate 3-5 words that the student may not be familiar with and would require some explanation or instruction (they should be Tier II words). Fill in the attached chart with the words. Before reading, you will have the child indicate their knowledge of each word using the provided scale. You may also conduct a post-test to see how their knowledge changes, but this step is optional. If you conduct both a pre and post-test, please be sure to attach both protocols to your write-up.
Read the descriiption of the Vocabulary Knowledge Scale (VKS) on the Reading Rockets website. You DO NOT have to read the entire article!! It is a long one! Just scroll down to the section about VKS.
Reading Rockets VKS articleLinks to an external site.
Vocabulary Knowledge Scale Chart
Assessment protocols are located in the assessment documents provided (with the exception of the VKS). You MUST turn in a copy of the filled-in protocols with your final write-up. See the rubric below for details regarding what should be included in your write-up. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy assessing!
3 pts
Minimum of 1 page write-up, only 2 pages (any information after 2 pages will not be read).
8 pts.
Student Data: Brief paragraph with child’s first name (please use a pseudonym), grade, age, and any information pertinent to their reading development or background.
25 pts.
Name of assessment, purpose, and results of procedure (protocol/assessment): – what is the name (resource) of the assessment? Provide a brief descriiption of what the assessment measures. Include the final data from the assessment (i.e., what score did the student receive out of ___ and/or how did the student do?) Use evidence from the assessment to support your descriiption. What do the results indicate about the student’s progress in this area?
(At least 1 paragraph)
20 pts.
Conclusion and 1 Teaching Strategy/Instructional Recommendations:
· Based on the current assessment, create a plan for future instruction. What do you need to address in your instruction based on the child’s results? This may be based on a deficit you recognized in the results, or maybe the student has mastered the concept. If so, what would be your next step in addressing this student’s literacy needs?
· List at least 1 differentiated literacy strategy you could use with your student and the corresponding standard(s) (NVACS / CCSS–write out the full standard) that align with this strategy, (i.e., derivational endings, word study, comprehension, fluency, vocabulary).
For example: If your student needs to work on comprehension, you might recommend one of the comprehension strategies mentioned in the readings for Module 2. You may use course resources, professional texts, articles, or personal educational resources. Describe the strategy and why/how it would benefit your student.
Next, identify and write out the NVACS/ CCCS it would meet. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.1Links to an external site.: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
(At least 1 paragraph)
16 pts.
Teacher growth: What did you learn from this experience? What are your thoughts on what you learned about yourself as a literacy teacher? Are you making progress? If so, why? Did you learn something about yourself you did not know before? What? How do you evaluate your personal performance during the session? What were your strengths during the assessment session? Is there anything you would do to improve the implementation for next time?
You are not required to address ALL questions, but I expect to see thoughtful reflection throughout the paper on the assessment procedure, student impact, and teacher impact.
8 pts.
Instructional reflection: What do you believe the impact of the assessment would be on your teaching (both regarding the individual student and your class)?
10 pts.
Grammar and professionalism This includes APA; citations and a reference page is recommended.
10 pts.
Protocol attached: This includes scanning/printing and attaching the completed student assessment protocols. You must use a protocol; this will help you administer the assessment. Submit the assignment via Canvas, needs to be submitted as a PDF.
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