Applying Supply and Demand: Real-World Examples For this assignment, you need to

Applying Supply and Demand: Real-World Examples
For this assignment, you need to refer, specifically, to one graph from the choices (A, B, C, or D) discussed in the “supply and demand” Word document below and explain why it may apply to recent specific business news. Specifically, graph A is an increase in demand, graph B is a decrease in demand, graph C is an increase in supply, and graph D is a decrease in supply. Find a current news article that indirectly describes a change in supply or demand in a real-world market. You may just search articles inside Google or Yahoo business news. DO NOT do a search using “demand” and/or “supply” as keywords. The learning objective is to understand how changes in prices and sales may be explained by shifts in supply and/or demand, not just finding an article that explains demand or supply shifts.
Begin by downloading and studying:
Supply and Demand Graphs.pptx Supply and Demand Graphs.pptx – Alternative Formats
SupplyAndDemandGraphs2.doc SupplyAndDemandGraphs2.doc – Alternative Formats
researchProjectRubric.pd researchProjectRubric.pd – Alternative Formats
Assignment Summary
Find a news article on the Internet that indirectly describes a shift in the supply curve or the demand curve. The article must be recent (within the last six months), and MUST NOT be from an encyclopedia or reference website that discusses demand and supply. DO NOT use blogs. DO NOT search “supply” or “demand” shifts. Instead, access business news using Google, Yahoo, etc., find articles that describe changes in sales, workforce, or prices, and then select the demand or supply shift that may explain such changes. Specifically: Graph A, Graph B, Graph C, or Graph D. Preferably, start your post by typing the type of graph being used or illustrated.
Articles whose titles directly say “demand increase,” “supply shortage,” “supply/demand surge,” or similar WILL NOT be appropriate and will receive significant point losses (see Rubric below). DO NOT select articles that discuss macroeconomic issues such as monetary policies, inflation, unemployment, or economic growth. The most appropriate articles are the ones that discuss changes in the price or sales of a specific product, or changes in the workforce at a specific firm.
Refer specifically to one of the graphs explained in the “supply and demand” documents linked above. I recommend the “doc” (Word) document.
Summarize the article using your own words. Copied material must be within quotes.
Provide a reference and direct link to the article, not a general reference like “” That is important since I need to review the article selected so that you can get full credit for the assignment.
Video demonstrating how to look for an article:
If you have any questions or concerns, email me.
To receive full credit, your submission must be at least 250 words long.
Now click on the “Week 1 Research Assignment” title at the top of the page and submit your assignment as a Word Document.
Rubric for the research assignment. Professor Lopez.
Levels of Achievement
Poor work
Partial work
Good work
Article quality
(40 points)
Article selected is not appropriate (no current news, self-implied graph in title, encyclopedia)
(0 points)
Article is partially acceptable: old, too broad (macro), partial self-implied graph in the title
(20 points)
Proper article selected (current news, title refers to changes in price or sales)
(40 points)
Specific graph reference
(10 points)
No specific graph reference (A, B, C, or D)
(0 points)
Graph is implied but it’s not named or identified
(5 points)
A specific graph (A, B, C or D) is selected
(10 points)
Appropriate graph reference
(30 points)
Graph is selected, but it’s not appropriate or consistent with the article being used
(0 points)
Graph selected is not appropriate but the arguments used are
(15 points)
Appropriate graph
Is selected
(30 points)
Graph justification
(20 points)
No justification of graph (s)
(0 points)
Weak arguments justifying graph (s)
(10 points)
Graph is properly justified

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