Analyze your school’s Crisis Plan and utilize it as a springboard to prepare a c

Analyze your school’s Crisis Plan and utilize it as a springboard to prepare a comprehensive Crisis Plan which ensures that the school is safe and secure and to ensure that a crisis is managed effectively if it occurs. The plan should address communication procedures for before, during, and after a crisis. Your plan should meet the criteria delineated by Kowalski, Constructing a Crisis Plan and by the U.S. Department of Education (2007) on pages 234-235 of the course textbook. Also, it should include a preparedness component, an Emergency Response Team, communication component and a process for ongoing evaluation of the plan.
Your Crisis Plan may address a range of events and hazards, such as: Automobile Accident, Drowning, Homicide, National or International Crisis, School Bus Accident, Fire/Explosion, Contagious Disease, Hostage Situation, Natural Disaster, School Shooting, Suicide, Terrorism OR it can focus specifically on one of the aforementioned events.

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