An ethical dilemma is a complex situation that frequently involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing another. Laws and regulations often play a role in the decisions made in these types of cases. Tornado
Read the case study, then develop a presentation video to post in the discussion forum.
Case Study:
Devon was employed as a staff nurse at a 300-bed tertiary care facility. The hospital’s staffing plan for weather emergencies consisted of a three (3) tier disaster response team. Nurses were assigned, based on personal preference, to disaster tiers 1, 2, or 3. Tiers 1 and 2 were considered essential personnel and would be expected to report to the hospital, usually 24 hours prior to a disaster, to provide patient care during the hours before, during, and after (usually 12 hours) the disaster’s arrival and departure. During this time, the hospital would initiate a lock-in mode whereby no essential personnel wo
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