After she stopped at the stop sign and looked both ways, Donna pulled onto a roa

After she stopped at the stop sign and looked both ways, Donna pulled onto a roadway and turned right onto Johnson Road. She did not see the Plaintiff’s vehicle traveling on Johnson Road. When the police arrived, Donna explained that she never saw the Plaintiff before she turned. The Plaintiff was speeding (15 miles over the speed limit) which prevented him from stopping. Your supervising attorney represents the Defendant.
Please prepare the following to establish the last clear chance doctrine or contributory negligence:
2 interrogatory responses
4 requests for admission
2 requests for production of document
2 interrogatories
A helpful tip is to keep in mind you represent the Defendant, and all four documents will need to be from the point of view of counsel for Defendant- do not do any from the point of view of the Plaintiff. Refer to the samples posted in the learning unit, as they are very helpful.

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