4.2 Action Required: Rate the culture of your school on the 10 dimensions.

4.2 Action Required:
Rate the culture of your school on the 10 dimensions.

4.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):

Which dimensions were easy to evaluate, and which were not??
How strong is the culture of your school?
What functions does the culture serve for your school?
Do you think the culture of your school is best suited to maximizing your learning? Why or why not?
What kind of projects would be easy to implement in your school and what kind of projects would be difficult, given the structure and culture of your school? Explain your answer.Week 5: Interactive activity
5.1 Learning Outcomes:
Understanding Project requirementProject definitionKey elements of Project 5.2 Action Required:
You are in charge of organizing a dinner-dance concert for a local charity. You have reserved a hall that will seat 30 couples and have hired a jazz combo. 5.3 Test your Knowledge (Question):
Develop a scope statement for this project that contains examples of all the elements. Assume that the event will occur in 4 weeks. Provide your best estimate of the dates for milestones.
What would the priorities likely be for this project?

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