1.What is the age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales? 2.You can mak

1.What is the age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales?
2.You can make decisions on someone’s behalf if they appoint you using a LPA, what does LPA stand for?
3.The High Court consists of three divisions, the Queen’s Bench Division and the Chancery Division are two, can you name the third?
4.What is intestate?
5.How many years after an author’s death does copyright last for in the UK?
6.What word describes legal theory or the theoretical study of law?
7.From May 2020 in England, what will have an ‘opt out’ system and is sometimes referred to as ‘Max and Keira’s Law’?
8.What Latin term meaning “in chambers”, is the hearing of a case in private rather than in open court?
9.As of 1313, it has been illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing what?
10.In UK law and under the Public Order Act 1986, how many people are needed for a violent affray to be classed as a riot?
11.It was replaced in 1999 by ‘claimant’ but which former word was used for the party who initiates a lawsuit?
12.How many years employment do you need to bring a claim for unfair dismissal or redundancy pay?

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