1. Create or curate (www.wix.com) 25 points possible a. Audience(s): Potential e

1. Create or curate (www.wix.com) 25 points possible
a. Audience(s): Potential employers, colleagues (student peers), and instructor
b. Directions:
i. To earn your course credit and submit your work for ePortfolio Part 1—
once you have completed Option A (Create) or Option B (Curate), submit
your ‘published’ link in the appropriate space in Blackboard by the
time/date assigned in the Class Schedule. You will receive feedback along
with your grade in Blackboard. You will be evaluated on what is available
to the instructor at the time of grading—so be careful to meet the deadline
and complete all required sections.
ii. Option A:
1. Use the ‘ePortfolio Welcome’ letter to get ready! (This will give
you feedback on what the project entails, how to prepare in
designing your ePortfolio, along with other information to help you
get started). When in doubt—ask your instructor for assistance and
use the resources made available to you!
2. Required Sections on your Wix page (use this as your checklist,
and use the samples as inspiration)!:
a. Homepage—welcomes readers to your page, and directs
them to the information available within the subpages
b. Course Projects Page: you will have 3 from this class,
(ePortfolio requirements 2, 3, and 4), you may wish to set
up ‘placeholders’ at this stage, or you may add them later
c. Resume: you should have a basic resume included—
highlighting your education, current work experience or
relevant academic endeavors at this stage
i. NOTE: You will receive feedback on how to better
update your resume
ii. (Linking to a hard copy of your resume is optional
for this ePortfolio)
iii. Links to Social Media: (optional but encouraged)
1. At this stage, you may choose to include
social media that highlights your ability to
professionally engage with a potential or
current industry (LinkedIn, Pinterest,
Twitter, Tumblr, etc)
d. About You Page: 1-2 paragraphs about major,
current/former coursework or professional interests
e. Blog: (You will have several blog posts over the semester,
and are welcome to include others as they relate to your
studies—remember this is professionally oriented so you
want to keep your work related to academic or professional
i. Your first blog post is due by the time you submit
your link in Bb. Please use the prompt below:
ii. Reflection Blog post
iii. Your first blog post should be included on your
Wix page at the time of submission and should
reflect on the following questions in 3-4
paragraphs (about 150-200 words):
COMM 351 ePortfolio Part 1
Old Dominion University
1. What was the easiest part of setting up
your Wix account?
2. What was the most challenging part of
setting up your Wix account?
3. How confident do you feel in your
professional or online presence at this
a. (In other words—are you excited
about your Wix page, or is there
an area where you feel you’ll
need a lot of attention or
expansion—ie resume, sample
writing, etc)
4. How do you think your social media
presence reflects your professional self?
a. How do you use these platforms
to highlight your abilities? (This
will be useful for comparison at
the end of the semester).
5. What questions do you have at this stage
of the ePortfolio project?
f. Contact Page
iii. Option B: Curate (this is the option for people who already have a WIX
ePortfolio and may just need to edit to include the above sections):
1. Use the ‘ePortfolio Welcome’ letter to get ready! If you already
have a www.wix.com account previously designed for another
course, update all sections to meet the requirements listed in Option
2. Blog: Reflection Post (complete the same as Option A, but if you
already have a Wix page also clearly indicate what changes you
made and why).
c. Rubric:
i. Set Up 15 points possible
1. All required sections are set up & published (ie visible to
2. All required sections are complete for this stage (ie they are present,
have placeholders ready, your page includes a basic resume, About
Me information, and Contact page included)
ii. Blog Post 10 points possible
1. Blog post is posted/published correctly (ie visible to web/instructor)
2. Blog post is well written (ie professional yet personal, first person is
absolutely appropriate for this section)
3. Blog post addresses questions 1-5 of the promp

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