1. After completing reading and/or viewing at least four of the resources, think

1. After completing reading and/or viewing at least four of the resources, think about graffiti as an artistic outlet to call attention to invisibility and marginalization. Discuss your thoughts about the effectiveness of this medium to accomplish this goal. Some questions you might want to answer might be: Do you think graffiti has other goals? Do you think crime (in this case defacing public property) is a worthy means to an end? When you think about the popularity of graffiti art, who ultimately benefited? Do you think the artists were beneficiaries or were they used by the art elite?[600 words]
[please don not forget to use 4 below resources in this question]
2. Think about what you have learned about graffiti. What do you think the most important thing you learned this week has been? Why do you feel that way? What more would you like to know?

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