you should follow the organizational and content advice in your readings to prod

you should follow the organizational and content advice in your readings to produce a Recommendation Report that recommends 1 or more of your selfcare practices. You will need to use your research and intext citation to persuade the audience that these are good strategies to adopt.
Your Recommendation Report should include the following sections: Introduction, Problem Desсrіption/Definition (Choose the one that makes the most sense to you, but only one), Technical Background, Requirements/Decision-Making Criteria, Discussion of the options, Criterion-to-criterion comparisons, Summary table, Conclusions, Recommendation or Final Option (choose one).
Your report MUST be in APA format including the use of MANY intext citations, a cover sheet, and a References section (minimum 10 references = C). APA Style will be 50% of the grade and the content will be 50%. Use the same headings as the required sections of the paper. Be aware of the extra space in Word between paragraphs. You have been given the information to avoid this in a previous week. Please make sure to view the tutorials.
If there is other information that would make this easier for you, let me know and I will see what I can do
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