Week Fourteen Assignment: Creating a Plan to use Anxiety to Your Advantage Take

Week Fourteen Assignment: Creating a Plan to use Anxiety to Your Advantage
Take James McCroskey’s Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) assessment on page 349 of your textbook. Write a min three-page paper answering the following questions:
Q1. What did you learn about your own public speaking anxiety by taking this assessment? Categorize your stage fright or nervousness in terms of psychological, physical, and behavioral effects.
Q2. What three strateges can you adopt to use anxiety to your advantage? Be specific about how to apply these strategies and how each strategy addresses specific types of stage fright or nervousness.
Submitted as a MS Word document
APA format for both inline and works cited
Title page including full name of assignment, student’s full name, date, course number and CRN
Include the following: introduction, body, and conclusion
Include at least three scholarly sources
You have 1 attempt to submit this assignment. The highest score will be your grade.

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