TOPIC – Head of New York Medical Clinics Sentenced to 156 Months in Prison for M

TOPIC – Head of New York Medical Clinics Sentenced to 156 Months in Prison for Multimillion-Dollar Money Laundering and Health Care Kickbacks Scheme | OPA | Department of Justice
Research project
Click on the Research paper link in the left menu. The required template is taken from the ACFE report writing template. There, look at the list of topics. One student per topic. There is an attachment with the research paper instructions. You must follow those instructions; this is not your standard research paper. If you don’t follow the instructions and the template, you will receive a failing grade. The four main sections are submitted on two-week intervals, for my edits and suggestions. These must be submitted on time, they will not be accepted late. It is expected that students will make the edits from my comments when submitting the final paper.
This research project requires a bit of due diligence research using federal agency websites. See the research instructions. A research paper on a foreign government or entity requires using general media and/or documents from that country; these sources must be submitted for approval.

• 8-12 pages
• Times New Roman 12 point font
• One inch margins
• Double spaced
• Follow the template provided.
• The assignment is submitted through Turnitin. Students have the ability to submit it as many times as they want prior to the deadline, in order to check the originality match.
• An originality match over 25% will be a failing grade.
• Plagiarism is any direct copying without citation, it is not allowed.
• Each section is submitted separately for my comments and suggestions,
• Your entire paper must be less than 25% direct copy, even with citation.
• The full research paper is due December 10, 2023 before 11:30pm, at the latest.
• It can be submitted early but not late.
• It is 100 points possible; failing to submit on time, or an originality match over 25% will mean failing the course.
• Papers with an originality match over 25% may be submitted to the integrity officer; this will go on your record. Take this very seriously.
• No submissions will be accepted by email or in hard copy, nor late. Don’t ask.
• Grading is within one week of the deadline.
• If you wait until the last minute to submit and have technical problems you won’t have the option to re-submit. Submit it early!!!!!!
• This paper is graded on substance, the quality of the sources and following the required template and the instructions.
• Sources must be submitted in the link provided in the research link for approval by October 1, 2023 at 11:59 pm.
• Citation and reference page must be APA format as demonstrated in the citation guide.
• You must define what qualifies the case as fraud, waste, abuse or corruption in your introduction.
• You must explain what about this case is fraud, waste, abuse or corruption.
• The words: “I”, “me”, “my” and “you” should not appear in your paper; these terms are not used in professional writing.
• Must have these sections in this order:
o Background/introduction
o Executive summary
o Scope
o Approach
o Findings
o Summary
o Impact to
o Recommendation
o List of references in APA format

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