Title: Drag coefficients in hydraulic channel
Objectives: Find the effect of drag coefficients for different surfaces, with different fluids and velocities, in hydraulic channel
Desсrіption: The work will consist calculation of drag coefficients in the hydraulic channel located at the Fluid Mechanics laboratory in ESTIG. The experiments will be made for several geometries using different non-Newtonian fluids. To validate the procedures, simple geometries with drag coefficients well known and found in literature, will be used.
Work plan:
1 – Review the fundaments of external fluid flow
2 – Viscosity measurements in the Rheometer and selection of non-Newtonian fluids to be used in experiments
3 – Experiments in the hydraulic channel
4 – Thesis writing
Well, I′ve already finished all the experiments and now I′m looking for someone to do the writing.
1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1 Fluid Mechanics fundaments
2.2 External flows
2.3 Published results
3. Experimental set-up
4. Results and Conclusions
My suggestion for report index , maybe it can change.
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