This homework will count for 1/4 of your homework grade. Read the entire Constit

This homework will count for 1/4 of your homework grade. Read the entire Constitution of 1787 that is contained in this folder that is annotated (there are actually two versions–you need not fully read the several hundred page version, though it has a great deal of good information). You can also read the one available through the course text. Please write a short reaction paper that 1) highlights main aspects of the Constitution of 1787 that you were not fully aware of AND 2) how this may or may not change the way you view the current state of the federal government as well as the state governments. When answering the second part of the question, make sure that you refer to current political events (national and/or state) to illustrate your points. The relevant text must occupy THREE FULL PAGES, 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond font, double spaced, one inch margins. Attach your document WITHOUT your name on it. Do not use space to describe the assignment (Homework 1, Title, etc…). Verbiage not directly germane to the answer will be penalized. This homework is due September 27th at 11:59pm.

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