This assignment is required to answer 2 questions in following: Q1: A high-pe

This assignment is required to answer 2 questions in following:
A high-performance team is a group of highly-skilled individuals who share a common vision and work together, challenging and holding each other accountable to achieve exceptional results. High-performance teams typically outperform expectations and other teams. Individuals within the team have specific roles and complementary skills and show high levels of collaboration and innovation.
Reflect on your team’s performance and write a cohesive response to the question below. In this context, “your team” refers to the team that you lead or manage. If you do not currently lead or manage any teams, consider teams from past experience, or reflect on a team within your organisation.
If your team is high-performing, how do you know this, and why do you think this is the case? Conversely, if your team is not high-performing, how do you know, and what do you think could be improved upon?
(Max. 150 words)
Leaders of high-performance teams inspire the team members more than they drive them. High-performance teams are self-motivated and don’t need to be driven. Instead, they require direction. Therefore, leaders of high-performance teams create the right energy and enthusiasm to inspire team members and reaffirm the value of their work. Reflect on how you currently lead your team and write a cohesive response to the question below.
In your experience, what is the best way to build a high-performance team?
(Max. 150 words)
The writing should be simulating and focusing on leadership at the corporate level in the private sector
& (The answers must be scientific)
Thank you,,

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