This assignment is a professional paper. Please use at least 3 outside reference

This assignment is a professional paper. Please use at least 3 outside references in addition to the text book and readings.
Please remember that a professional paper has a title page with all of the APA required information, a table of contents, page numbers, the body including an introduction which previews the paper and conclusion which summarizes the paper, and a reference list.
Based on Chapter 10 from our text, define and discuss Leadership. What are the different models of leadership? How is follower-ship related to Leadership? What type of leadership model is used in your class team? What type of leadership model is used in your work teams? Does the information technology industry use one model of leadership more than others? In the paper summary, please include lessons that you will be able to apply in the future. Textbook:
Textbook: levi, d. & askay, d.a. (2021) group dynamics

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