There are 3 required prompts (watch to find them!). You can write about other th

There are 3 required prompts (watch to find them!). You can write about other things you may be interested in, as well.
Remember, 70-80% of what you write should be opinion and only 20-30% fact (you wouldn’t just repeat facts if this was a real, live class). Try to simulate, as realistically as possible, what you would have said in class.
As always, use Business Style Writing.
Each chapter goes on a different page.
70-80% written should be opinion
Chapter 2
#1 Write A Great Vision Statement for Better World Books
#2 What are the vision, mission, and values of Better World Books?
Critically evaluate them. Are they helpful to the company’s leaders in formulating strategic intent? Why or why not?
#3 If you were a consultant for BWB, how would you recommend that they differentiate their product and services to create a competitive advantage?
Chapter 3
#1 The bargaining power of buyers – wholesale or individual customers – impacts industry profit potential (note: who are the Buyers in Ice Fili?)
#2 With new entrants, profit potential is depressed for incumbent firms:
What do you have to do to prices?
Will you need to spend more/less? to satisfy existing customers?
#3 What should Ice-Fili do about NESTLE?
Chapter 4
#1 what are your favorite companies,
and what are their Core Competencies?
#2 Conduct an Internal Analysis using what you learned in Chapter 4, specifically using the VRIO for…
Making chocolate/product
Retail capabilities
#3 What is the #1 thing that the CEO should fix, more than anything?
Chapter 5
#1 What’s Your Favorite Ratio or Financial Measurement?
#2 What’s the Biggest Difference in
Ford’s Model-T Strategy
vs. Tesla’s?
(Hint: which “Business Strategy” did each have?)
Chapter 6
Make Argument That….. Best Buy Had Strategy Driven By:
Value Drivers (Differentiation) vs. Cost Drivers (Cost Leadership) vs. Integration/Blue Ocean? – and is it successful?
Tangible Assets…and had Sustainable Adv? vs. Intangible Assets …and is it successful?
3. Find New Articles on BB – how are they doing?

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