The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and comple

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete APA research paper. Your final APA research paper is based on your original research topic proposal, annotated bibliography, and outline.
You will use Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development Links to an external site.
(See Chapters 1-3 in the Santrock text). Based on this theoretical lens, select one (1) stage of development. Based on that one stage of development, develop a research question and thesis statement.
Using the WCU Library, select a minimum of 3 to 4 peer-reviewed journal articles that will help you answer the research question while supporting your thesis statement.
Your final APA research paper must be a minimum of 5 to 6 pages (not including the required cover page, abstract, or reference page).
Your final APA research paper must include the following elements:
1) Properly Formatted
Use the APA Publication Manual and review Table 2.3. Format for the Five Levels of Heading in APA Style & Figure 2.5 Format of Headings in a Sample Paper.
2) Properly Formatted Use the APA Publication Manual and review Figure 2.2. Sample Student Title Page.
3) Properly Formatted Use the APA Publication Manual and review 2.9. Abstract.
4) Properly Formatted
5) Properly Formatted
Beginning on page 3, write your introduction and thesis statement followed by your research question (be specific, focus on the age range within the selected stage).
For the body of your APA final research paper, discuss how your 3 to 4 peer-reviewed journal articles support your thesis statement and answer your research question.
Then, include your Personal Narrative (Level 1 Heading) and discuss why you selected that development stage.
Finally, include a Conclusion (Level 1 Heading) and tie together the paper’s main points, show why your argument matters, and leave your reader with a strong impression. Remember, your conclusion should give a sense of closure and completion to your argument and show what new questions or possibilities have opened up.
Be sure to plan enough time for proofreading and editing. Use the APA 7th Edition writing style, mechanics, and format.

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